Hi, I’m Jess

I’m on a mission to support you to live you happiest, healthiest and most fulfilling lives through your business / career.

I’m a big believer in AND. 

I believe you can attract huge financial success through your services AND

  • & have time in a day to get outside and get moving 

  • & connect and be present with loved ones

  • & feel calm, confident and content

  • & nourish yourself with home cooked meals

  • & rest and recharge 

  • & be creative and inspired

I know this to be true because I’ve created it in my own life.

It wasn’t always this way…

My career started in corporate in London. I had the swanky flat, prestigious career and salary that went with it, BUT I was depleted and anxious. Always feeling like I had to push and hustle.

A combination of this and the long hours pursuing a career that was extrinsically motivated by others’ perceptions of success inevitably led me to burnout. 

I’m now so grateful for that rock bottom as it redirected the course of my life in ways beyond my own imagination.

  • I moved to Australia, where nature, connection and health are core pillars of my everyday.

  • Using my strategic and operational expertise, gained from my earlier career and MBA, I grew impact led start ups to multi million $ valuations, which gave meaning to my work life. 

  • I used that experience to found my own businesses that give me the time, creative and location freedom that’s important to me, and support others to fulfil their own business success and wellbeing. 

  • I’ve dropped the story that success comes from struggle.

  • I’ve created the strategy and structure in my business which mean my days get to flow.

  • I’m happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than ever.

I want to enable you to create this too.